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Organic Eraa saw an increase of 310% ROMI while reducing the Cost Per Sale by 88.6% through Facebook and Google Ads

Organic Eraa saw an increase of 310% ROMI while reducing the Cost Per Sale by 88.6% through Facebook and Google Ads

The Client

Organic Eraa has been bringing the best of nature’s care to people’s doorsteps. They offer a wide range of organic products from vegetables and staples to beauty and wellness. With carefully curated produce of local farmers and the best organic personal care brands.

Project Information

We helped Organic Eraa create their digital presence in the market and maintained sales during the covid lockdown.
Website, Social Media, PPC, & Social Media Ads



increase in ROMI


increase in purchase


decrease in CPS

Rs. 0.081

Achieved CPC

Business Objectives

A largely offline brand, Organic Eraa’s brand presence had to be pivoted online to maintain brand visibility and survive in a totally new environment

Maintaining the existing and increasing the sales numbers during COVID-19 when the physical stores were closed


The CPS had to be brought under control due to rising metrics across all Ad channels. The marketing funnel had to be continuously adjusted to make it sustainable for the long term

Transitioning from offline market to online market

Create a brand presence in the digital arena.

Maintaining the existing sales numbers during covid when the physical stores were closed.

Our Solution

We created customer list lookalikes from their customer audience list, this amplified the reach beyond the traditional demographic and interest based audiences.

Retargeted audience within 20-25 days and this helped us in making sure that the brand recall was still effective.

We created micro level interest targeting 20 different audiences. We went heavy first with budgets to ensure each audience got its share of budget for a fair comparison.

Once results started pouring in, we shut down the non performing audiences and gave their share of the budget to the best performing audience.

Zero Budget Wasted!

Specific premium locations based on Pin codes within Bangalore. This ensured we weren’t spending budgets on non serviceable areas and focussing on the premium neighborhood areas outlined by the client.

We created a funnel where cold audiences were shown brand awareness ads as well as offer-based ads.

The brand awareness ads were for brand recall and offer-based ads were to leverage direct purchase if the buyer wanted to cut across the marketing funnel to make a direct purchase.

Talked about features, advantages and benefits, locally sourced produce, handpicked farmers, top organic brands, same day delivery, free delivery. Specific products were included.

Remarketing ads that brought the customer back to the specific products that were in their carts and offering incentives to complete the purchase. Created special offers to boost the sales.

We used Display Ads for a broad target market within a specific location. This created brand awareness among targeted audiences. We also used this ad for remarketing purposes.
Display ads also allowed us to create very specific custom audiences based on their journey within the website.
Since Organic Eraa was a new entrant in the online Ecommerce market, we created individual landing pages with unique offers. These landing pages and their messaging was also customized to the interest and demographic classification of the audience.

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