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BNI India achieved a 677% in Return on Marketing Investment YOY in 5 years leading ₹850,000+ in revenue via a holistic Digital Marketing Approach.

BNI India achieved a 677% in Return on Marketing Investment YOY in 5 years leading ₹850,000+ in revenue via a holistic Digital Marketing Approach.

The Client
BNI India was established in 2004, and is among the largest regions in the BNI Global network, with over 75 countries represented.
Project Information
With 40k+ members acquired till date, we help them sustain their membership growth and manage content marketing across social media.
Business Networking, Global Franchise
SERVICES Social Media Ads, Website, SEO, Social Media (Organic)
2017 till date





Average Lead to Acquisition YOY


No. of Leads
(5 Years)


Organic Traffic
(5 Years)


Business Objectives

BNI India had multiple small social handles for each market, with no clear content strategy. Our objective was to consolidate these pages based on a Strategic Content Calendar powered by their marketing goals.
Scion Social’s web team helped integrate 100+ regional web pages and websites under a single National website, while maintaining a unified CRM and CMS system for all BNI India regions.

With the national lockdown affecting this highly “in-person” business model. Scion Social’s campaigns team helped with developing an online funnel that would fuel high quality lead generation through Social Media Ads and Google PPC Campaigns.

Our Solution

Created lookalike audience from the existing member list, video view (ThruPlay), Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts based on custom audience.

We also created lists from website visitors, dropped visitors, and segregated them based on geography and the visitor journey stage.

Launched an Email Nurturing Campaign for the website visitors who dropped out after completing major milestones like:

  • Filling up the lead form
  • Registering to attend an *online meeting
  • Attended the online meeting but did not apply to become a member

Crafting the key message in regional languages, portraying native people, and using region-specific member testimonials helped us cut through the noise and connect at a deeper level with prospects.

We split tested English language copy VS Regional and discovered that regional copy converted 48% More than English.

*BNI Online system was created during the pandemic to shift physical meetings of chapter members to an online version

  • Designed a Custom Email Sequence: For members who dropped in the last two years. As part of these nurturing email sequences, BNI members would receive valuable information about their industries, value-based content, business articles to business owners, and information about their recent wins.
  • Lead Nurturing Sequence For all the new leads that came into the sales funnels via social media ads. This has helped the leads to move from the consideration stage to the decision stage of the funnel. The email showed more details about the services and highlighted the best feature.
16.8% Increase in Organic Traffic after implementing SEO in the last 9 months
(Aug 21 to April 22 compared to previous period)

BNI India’s website was revamped in 2018 to improve site infrastructure and navigation to enable easier browsing and visitor flow.

  • Built the new website structure on an SEO framework to increase organic search traffic and drive future growth
  • Deployed a fully responsive solution for all 100+ regions by integrating regional contact forms into the national website. This is backed by WordPress and CMS
  • Drove conversions by reworking the visitor flow to enable them to become leads and ultimately register for attending meetings online.
  • Uploaded more than 500 blogs over the last 5 years that are rich with SEO content that drives organic traffic and users

16.8% Increase in Organic Traffic after implementing SEO in the last 9 months

(Aug 21 to April 22 compared to previous period)

This strategy involved showcasing the members’ wins, milestones, and achievements on social media. This served a dual purpose.

We got organic engagement from the members and potential members/target market understood how BNI operates and how members grow business.

This kind of user-generated content contributed to 70% of the posts. We highlighted BNI Success Stories, Chapter Anniversaries, Member Milestones, Large Chapter Launches, and CSR activities.

The other 30% was made up of value-based content that drove engagement too.

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