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The Content Strategy – 10 Commandments You Should Never Break

Content Strategy Commandments To Not To Break

The Content Strategy – 10 Commandments You Should Never Break

Welcome to the dynamic world of content creation, where words wield the power to captivate, inform, and inspire. In this digital age, AI is setting the mark for crafting compelling content. Content creation is not just an art form- it requires a lot of strategy.

So, whether you’re a seasoned writer or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of online expression, understanding the rules for content writing is paramount. 

Imagine embarking on a journey armed with the knowledge of rules for writing articles, blog writing, and following the commandments of content writing—not as restrictive boundaries, but as guiding stars illuminating your path to successful and engaging content.

Think of these basic rules as the foundation upon which you build your masterpiece—a sturdy structure ensuring your message resonates with your audience. 

Let’s delve into the essential commandments of content writing. Together, we’ll explore how to wield words with finesse, how to craft narratives that captivate hearts and minds, and how to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication. 

1. The Good Ol’ KYC- Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is paramount in crafting effective content. You must intimately know your target demographic’s preferences, behaviors, and consumption habits to create content that truly resonates with them. 

For example, an outdoor apparel company catering to hikers and campers should study data on their audience’s age ranges, gender breakdowns, geographic locations, and activity levels. This enables tailoring content specifically to your audience. 

Analyzing audience behavior patterns on social media, blogs, and forums provides invaluable insights. Observing the tone, formats, and topics your audience engages with most can inform content development. An active commenting community might appreciate light-hearted “top 10” lists, while a subreddit focused on gear reviews will prefer in-depth buying guides. 

The most effective content strategies stem from walking in your audience’s shoes. Immerse yourself in their world to intimately understand their needs and preferences. Only then can you deliver content that truly resonates, educates, entertains, and inspires. Know your audience, and you hold the key to their hearts and minds. 

2. Quality: Because Nobody Needs a Truckload of Mediocrity

Strive for excellence in every piece of content. High-quality, relevant content resonates more with audiences, driving engagement and loyalty. It’s better to publish fewer, impactful pieces than flood platforms with mediocre content. 

Quality content demonstrates expertise, provides value, and builds trust. Carefully craft content tailored to your goals and audience. Spend time optimizing and refining each piece. 

Aim for evergreen, authoritative content that will retain value over time, not disposable content created solely for fleeting trends. Curate content carefully to shape your brand’s reputation. 

3. Embrace Authenticity: Because Being a Cheap Knockoff is So Last Season 

Authenticity breeds trust and loyalty with your audience. Being genuine in your brand voice, storytelling, and interactions is crucial. Avoid seeming robotic or fake – instead, showcase the human side of your brand. 

Tell compelling stories that connect with your audience on an emotional level. Chipotle does this well with their “Behind the Foil” video series, giving viewers an inside look at how their dishes are prepared. This transparency and glimpse behind the scenes builds trust and rapport. 

Foster genuine interactions with your audience. Respond to comments, have real conversations, and incorporate user generated content. This shows you truly care about your audience as real people, not just statistics. 

By embracing authenticity in all you do, you build meaningful relationships between your brand and audience. Don’t underestimate the power of being real. 

4. SEO: Making Google Happy Without Boring Humans to Tears 

Balancing SEO optimization with creating valuable content for your audience is crucial. When creating content, it’s important to keep both search engines and human readers in mind. 

Craft compelling titles, and meta descriptions, and use relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility. Research what keywords your audience uses to find your type of content. Incorporate these organically into your content to help search engines understand your pages. 

However, don’t just cram content full of keywords. Over-optimization creates a poor user experience. Write naturally and focus on providing genuine value through your content. 

Aim for readability by using an appropriate tone and formatting content with bullet points, images, videos, etc. Break up long blocks of text and highlight key information. 

Well-optimized content enhances both search engine visibility and user experience. With the right balance, your content will rank well and satisfy human readers. 

5. Spice It Up: Even Texts Need a Little Costume Change 

Cater to different preferences by experimenting with diverse content formats such as videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive tools. For instance, a fashion brand might complement traditional product images with behind-the-scenes videos and user-generated content.  

Videos let you showcase products in action and convey brand personality, while infographics simplify complex information. Podcasts and webinars provide a platform for more in-depth storytelling. Interactive content like quizzes, assessments, and calculators boost engagement. 

The key is determining which formats resonate most with your target audience and suit your brand voice. Track performance to identify the types of content that drive the highest conversion rates. Optimize your mix of formats to align with audience consumption patterns. 

Diversification also enables repurposing content across platforms, maximizing resources. Just ensure consistency in messaging and branding when tailoring content for different formats. 

6. Be Consistent: Because Flakiness is for Croissants 

Consistency builds brand recognition and trust. Maintaining a consistent posting schedule across channels ensures your audience knows when to expect new content. Aim to post on a predictable cadence whether that be daily, weekly, or monthly. 

Consistency in messaging creates coherence in your content strategy. Ensure your brand voice, tone and messaging align across platforms. Using consistent branding like logos, color schemes, fonts, and imagery also reinforces recognition. Your visual identity should be cohesive. 

When audiences can rely on your consistency, it builds trust in your brand. They come to expect valuable content on a regular schedule. Familiarity with your branding breeds favorability. Remaining consistent shows you are an authority they can depend on. 

7. Make Sure the Audience Doesn’t Ghost You 

Actively listening to your audience and engaging in meaningful conversations is crucial for building community and trust. Make it a priority to actively monitor comments, feedback, reviews, and conversations happening around your brand on social media and other platforms. Don’t just listen – engage. 

Respond to comments and questions thoughtfully and in a timely manner. Address concerns directly. Consider incorporating user-generated content like reposting customer photos and videos to showcase real experiences. Collaborating with brand advocates and influencers to co-create content can also help spark engagement. 

The key is fostering genuine interactions and relationships, not just pushing one-way marketing messages. Social listening helps brands gain valuable insights while humanizing the brand and strengthening connections. When an audience feels heard and involved, they are more likely to become loyal brand advocates. 

8. Evolve or Dissolve

Adaptability is key in the fast-paced digital landscape. Brands need to stay abreast of industry trends, consumer preferences, and technological advancements to pivot their strategies accordingly. The digital world evolves rapidly, and agility is crucial to keep up. 

For example, Netflix constantly evolves its content strategy based on viewer data and market trends. By analyzing user behavior and feedback, Netflix iterates on the type of content that resonates most with subscribers at any given time. As a result, Netflix has pivoted from mailing DVDs to streaming original content produced based on user insights. This exemplifies an agile content strategy that adapts to the changing digital landscape. 

Similarly, brands need to keep up with the latest social media platforms and features. As TikTok exploded in popularity, brands quickly capitalized on the short video format. 

9. Highlight Key Messages 

Creating engaging content highly depends on readability and relatability. Focus on giving value to your readers. Readers should also be able to scan through the main points in a bulky content quickly. The core ideas should be emphasized in points so it’s easy for them to find exactly what they are looking for. 

10. Give a strong CTA 

Finish it off with a bang! The CTA should be strong and engaging. It should act as a clear instruction to what the readers should do after reading your content.  

You’re All Geared Up

In the digital realm, content will ALWAYS reign supreme. Adhering to these key points is imperative for sustained success, so remember to keep them handy when you’re delving into your next big creation!

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