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Myths About Content Creation On Facebook – Busted!


You all must have tried and tested a lot of tips and trick to get your content creation strategy right. It goes without saying that a lot of research was involved in this process and that you would have read up on tonnes of theories as to what sort of content works best. Trying to figure out how things will work best with the  Facebook algorithms.

Many a times you would have come across a lot of myths and facts that left you in fix as to how to go about things next. So to make things easier Social Mouths has put together some data.

Here are some of the biggest Facebook myths about content creation. Let’s de-bunk them one by one.

Myth 1: No point posting content because reach is bad!

Let’s start with the biggest myth. Facebook doesn’t work anymore! Reach is at its lowest!

We’ve all heard it.

Unfortunately, this is a myth. There’s also another myth that Facebook is limited reach for your content because they want you to pay. This is NOT true. Reach is low because there are more posts getting posted TODAY compared to a few years ago. Imagine a communication in a small town versus a large city.

Having said that. Facebook is still a great content driver. In fact, according to social traffic, Facebook is still the #1 traffic driver compared other social media platforms according to Shareaholic.

Shareaholic social media traffic referrals

Myth 2: It takes a lot of time

It won’t take a lot of time to create content for Facebook. The key is creating and scheduling them in batches. Doing this will free up time for you to focus on other important tasks such as responding, support, networking, etc.

Here are some excellent ways to create content without doing a lot of work.

Idea 1: Canva

One of the easiest ways to create visual content. Canva saves you time with a wide selection of templates that you can select, tweak and publish. It’s that simple!

Idea 2: Post Planner

Not in the mood to create content? Post Planner is the platform for you. You can use Post Planner to find proven content in any industry. All you need is a link to a Facebook page or an Instagram handle to search the most engaging and viral content of that page.

Here’s a post that did really well on our page.


Idea 3: Customers

There aren’t many better sources for content than your customers. All you have to do is to ask for it. Simply get your customers to share and tag your business on any platform for a chance to be featured. Customers who want more exposure will tag your business. I know I do it.

MVMT Watches

Myth 3: It’s not right for business

The problem with this myth is that with over 1.5 billion users on Facebook it’s highly likely that your customers will be on Facebook. So if Facebook is right for your customers, you need to make your business right for it.

You need to find the right type of content to reach your audience.

To do this, you need to sit down with your team and get into the head of your customer. You need to come up with a persona and figure out what type of content they would share, engage, etc.

Once you’ve figured that out, share more of those content. Remember, you need a mix ratio of promotional, personal and value added posts for them to continue to engage with your page.

Oh! Here’s a page for horse owners.


Myth 4: Post once or twice a day or reach will be affected

I used to believe this myth and it could have been the case in the past. However, this certainly isn’t true today.

Some of the most successful pages posts multiple times a day.

In fact, Sandi Krakowski, Kim Garst post 4-8 times a day. What I’ve quickly learned is that people will still engage with your post as long as the content add value and are engaging.