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8 Facebook Audiences to Help You Make More Sales


While Facebook marketers in general, and a good part of the blogosphere discuss better ways to beat the organic reach decline, I want you to focus on something else…


Likes, comments, engagement… Those are Facebook metrics. At the end of the day, if this doesn’t result on sales, all that is completely useless.

Last week I proposed 10 different Facebook Ads you should run (almost on a regular basis). This week I want to give you 8 ideas to target different Facebook Audiences to help you increase sales.

Are you ready?

Website Custom Audience

Facebook Website Custom Audience

1) Website Visitors

Remarketing is one of the most effective methods of advertising online. With a simple line of code in your website’s code, you are able to target recent visitors to your site.

If you’re targeting people that visited any page within your website, you could run a campaign that advertises your best selling product (We all have a hero in our shelves, right?).

Of course if you only have one product for sale, this is even easier.

One of the things that can make a big difference in the success of your campaign is when to run. You can set this up to start running the next day after the visit, when your business is still fresh in the prospect’s mind.

2) Sales Page or Product Page Visitors

This is a bit more targeted because your Audience is a visitor to a specific page, this could be sales page or a product page within your site.

The interest here is not just on your business, but in a specific product you sell. In this case the “Remaketing Pixel” must be installed in that sales/product page only.

3) Recent Purchases

Let’s make it even more interesting. Let’s say a person just purchased a product on your website, usually after a purchase is completed, the customer hits a success/thank you page.

You can target people that purchased a specific product by installing the “Remarketing Pixel” on its success page.

All you have to do now is create an Ad that advertises a related product, you can see how high the level of interest is in this case, right? When my wife gave me a GoPro camera for my birthday, I immediately started thinking about accessories.

I’m sure that was not her intention, but this Gooseneck Mount was looking pretty good…

GoPro Gooseneck

You have to understand 2 things here:

Your customer might not be aware of this related product of yours
Your customer might need a little push on the decision making process
Custom Audience: Email Subscribers

4) Recent Subscribers

Another great way of catching your prospect at a high level of interest is to target them when they have just subscribed to your email list.

Targeting email subscribers is as simple as uploading a list to Facebook. In this case you are going to create a segment of your list that includes people that recently signed up, lets say last week, instead of exporting your entire list from your service provider, you export only this segmented group.

This works great if you have a free Ebook and a paid product.

Now you have an Audience of people that got your Ebook last week (or whatever period of time you consider appropriate), and you can create a campaign that advertises your main product or service.

5) Email Subscribers: Segmentation

List Segmentation is one of the most powerful tools of email marketing, it allows you to group subscribers in different ways.

Some of the most common uses of segmentation are

People that have purchased from your business before
People have purchased a specific product
People that have downloaded a resource from your site
People that clicked a specific link in an email campaign
And others like events or location are also good ways of grouping your subscribers
As we mentioned in the previous point, you can download an entire list or only a segment of it. You can already imagine the possibilities here, maybe running an ad that targets people that opened an email to see a promotion, or didn’t, or how about creating an Audience of email subscribers that are in the “Customers” segment, your chances of converting these people to repeated business just increased…

Custom Audience: Data File

6) Recent Purchases from existing customers

You also have the option to upload a list of phone numbers. If you have a database of existing customers, you probably have this.

Now, in this case, I want you to create a segment of only the customers that have recently purchased a product from you. You upload it to Facebook the same way you do with an email list. This can be used a way of advertising a related product, as we mentioned above on point #3.

Facebook Categories

7) Expressed Interest

You have to be careful with Facebook Categories, they can work depending on your business, but some of them can be a little too broad.

So I’ll give you a couple of examples where it might be useful.

Facebook Partner Categories

Example #1

Let’s say you have a business that sells home security systems, as you probably know from experience, people usually think about getting one when they have recently purchased a home. Facebook Partner Categories allows you to target a list of people that have recently gone through that event in their lives.

Example #2

Or what if you sell baby clothes, using Partner Categories you can target “New Parents” and even break it down to specific times, like (0 – 6 months), as you can see in the above image.

Again, this might not be the right choice for your business, but if you play your cards right by combining with other demographic options, like “Location” (you can get as specific as zip code), this might be pretty powerful.

Lookalike Audience

Facebook Lookalike Audience

8) Similar Prospects

If you’re not familiar with Lookalike Audiences, let’s first look at the definition right from the source…

“Lookalike Audiences let you reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they’re similar to a customer list you care about.”

If you have already created Custom Audiences for your Email list or a list of phone numbers from your existing customer base, Facebook can help you create a similar list of prospects.

Facebook recently added more options to create a Lookalike Audience, like a “Remarketing Pixel” or even “Conversion Pixel.” This means that you can now target a list of people that is similar to those that purchased a product from your website.

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