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Blog Success: 4 Must Haves


Blog success requires a few essential must-haves when it comes to marketing and reaching your intended audience. Employing and maintaining these must-haves will keep your blog popular and visitors coming back for more in the future.

1. Social Media Sharing

Adding social media sharing options to your blog provides a way for your visitors to easily share content that you have published across multiple platforms. The more opportunities you provide for your visitors to share your content, the easier it is to promote your site as well as your products and services. For those just starting out in the social media world, check out Laurie Thompson’s article 5 Tips For Beginner Social Engagement.

2. Engaging Content

Interesting content that is relevant to your blog’s purpose and message shows your professionalism as well as appeals to visitors. Writing new blog posts regularly also helps to keep your current followers interested in what you have to say while building your online image, reputation and overall credibility. This is a definite must-have to ensure your blog success.


Providing a way for readers to add comments to a blog post will give your users a chance to leave feedback along with their own suggestions and opinions. Comments gives your visitors a new way to get involved with your blog, helping to increase the credibility your blog has while also boosting page views and the amount of interaction you receive from your visitors overall.

4. Your Brand

Branding your blog is a key factor when it comes to incorporating online marketing with any site you launch. Having a logo and a clear message on your blog such as its name and what type of content you are producing will help you to stand out and attract visitors to your site while keeping your current followers intrigued. I have seen many businesses lose that connection with the reader in their blog post if they allow the process to become robotic.

Now, don’t get me wrong, building an online presence does involve a lot of technical dos and don’ts, however sites must be created and blog posts written with the audience in mind. The search engines will bring the visitor to your site but it’s up to you to keep them there and coming back for more.

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